Thursday, April 6, 2023 - The month of April is nationally recognized each year as Sexual Assault Awareness month, and one local group is helping to spread the word.
The Sequoyah County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Response Team (CCR/SART) has several activities planned for the month of April to provide education and create awareness in the community regarding sexual assault.
To kick off the month of events, the Sequoyah County CCR and SART hosted a glow-stick walk on April 3 (participants pictured above). The walk began at the pavilion on the east lawn of the Sequoyah County Courthouse and covered approximately 6 blocks.
April 10–14, both CCR and SART will be painting the town teal. To jump start the event, members will be set up on April 10 from 5-7 p.m. in the east parking area on East Cherokee. The team will be window-chalking car windows with teal-colored ribbons and sexual assault logos while providing information about Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Resource books will also be available for victims and survivors of sexual assault.
On April 17, 19, and 21, the community will get the opportunity to meet CCR/SART team members. One team member will be highlighted on the CCR/SART Facebook page each day. Those viewing will be able to learn a little about what the team does and why they do it through interviews conducted by the Sequoyah County Sheriff's Office victim response specialist, Sarah Ridinger.
The next event, "Denim Day," will take place on April 26. Join everyone worldwide to support sexual assault victims and survivors. Make sure to take pictures of you and your friends, co-workers, or family and send them to the team. Members will be posting your photos on their Facebook page to show victims and survivors they are not alone.
The last activity of the month will be held on Saturday, April 29 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The team will be joining in on the Great American Cleanup! Keep Oklahoma Beautiful has provided trash bags, protective gloves, orange vests, a banner, and bottles of water for the event. The area of cleanup will be approximately a one-mile stretch, with the location of the cleanup to be announced on the CCR/SART Facebook page. If you would like to join in, please don’t hesitate.
Mark your calendar for these dates and show your support for victims and survivors of sexual assault crimes.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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